Sunday, September 18, 2011

What IS an ascended planet?

Over the course of many years, I have studied the process of our cosmic
evolution. This study is of an experiential nature, that involves both my
consciousness and a little known science, one of spiritual
technology......easily identified as lightship.

Lately, I have been required to separate the consciousness that is me from that
technology, to better define my current role. Consciousness in form, as human,
is that which is cellular, embedded memory in the physical, connected to
fractals and fragments of ones past existence through all time,to the DNA
structure and it's ability to connect to the strings of the subatomic universe.
It's purpose is the accumulation of the intelligence as spirit and placed
within a container, a form, a vessel.

Technology is that which develops around the spirit, the environment of
support.... an accumulated field that always meets the needs of the
consciousness. It contains a mathmatical component, that literally removes the
states of emotion that interfere with further movement into purified awareness,
however, the acceptance and resolution of said emotion is the required action
for mathmatical calculation to recapitulate the experience of consciousness as
energy in motion over a linear progression of time.

I quote from Keylontic dictionary on the movement through time as the scalar
wave."A pattern of light-sound (standing electro-tonal wave fields) built upon
specific electro-tonal units of sound frequency that are imbued with
multi-dimensional electrical current."

What is a skew here on earth, is our life in the physical. We can look at this
in the macro, our planet and the society that lives on it,is sick. We are fast
approaching the event horizon of technology taking over as a function of the
matrix we live in. If allowed to continue it's current path, it becomes the
inevitable source of destruction for all life as organic to the creator
intelligence that started this place.

Those of us on a consciousness pathway can provide a micro perspective of the
difficultly of life. Many are nomadic, jobless and broken, financially and
psychically. I gave up my nursing career in 2008 due to the requirements of my
spiritual tasks, my days often require upwards of 12 hours in meditation.

What of us, who are asking the question "what is the solution?" We are coming up
boggled by the complexity. I agree, the complexity is enormous. Before I get
into what I see coming as solution for us, I want to speak again of the matrix.
It is an intelligence that can utilize the creational powers of the planet,
using the magnectics of our core, to condense subatomic particles into matter.
Shocking to realize for the average human, many who walk the earth are simply
projections in form, connected to the collective consciousness of human thought
as to what it is to be human. They appear real and human because they think they
are. They are, simply put, a utensil of the matrix, designed to perform action
to continue the matrix itself.

This dramatically shifts the question, how do we change humanity? into who or
what can remove these robotic entities from the surface and how can it happen so
the people who are left, don't go psychotic?

This connection to all these partical based embodiment, can be instantly disconnected from the information on what it is to be human. Who will decide what is human today? We will. We hold the exceptional passion for ourselves, for others and for mankind. Collective awareness of life in the physical and simply put, it is our consciousness lightship, the sun of the light ship in unity field formation.

Imagine, for instance, if over a short period of weeks or months, some
"persons" simply begin to disappear. It will be obvious that the disappearing
ones are of a "questionable or darker" nature. Life will become less chaotic, a
positive reinforcement for such disappearances.

I have often toyed with the concept that an ascended planet lives within a sun.
My recently upgraded awareness of lightship, as consciousness and technology
merged to create the environment needed and necessary to house and support
further development of consciousness, has come up with interesting developments.
Within my body and extended through my technology field is a multi dimensional
"drawing board". It acts as a brain, with receptor sites for time. It recreates
identifiable cosmic developments as frequency, color, energy, planetary and
thought intelligence, space, quantum mechanics and physics, math and science,
consciousness as form and as creation, in no form, pure existence.

What I see happening inside myself,is the development of a structure of core
creation, consistent with the development of the 7th Harmonic Universe we reside
in, forming a container for a lightship field around the earth. At the end of
this meditation, for the first time ever, I saw the collection of accumulated
consciousness, in human form, come together to be counted. We do live in
exciting times.

Friday, September 16, 2011

sept 16th.

yesterday, i let it integrated knowledge of Guardian material. that folks is E.T. talk.

I'll state the reality of aliens by giving my position on their behavior and their intellegence.

1)They don't understand who they are
2)This makes them clearly not connected to god or whatever
3) They know the shit's on fire
4) This makes them fundamentists of the meddling variety
5)If I know this like Perry Mason knows the story, then perhaps they can stop talking and listen

for a I bless all ingelligence, let me say how their matierial has assisted me. I'll start with the concept of starfire. I heard the term first from reading guardian, channeled materials. In meditation, my experience of this is an observable event that creates a new burst of light. Until recently, my vision of this was based on a planetary structure that was given a name to me, the Tropic of Africa. .....I posted about it a while ago on a FB astrology group.

I have been waiting for another Starfire, as the event that creates one planetarily, is present some where in time.....the interesting part of the words "some where" is that I have a source of the definitive future. Yesterday, I got the code of 454, moved into 554. It was given on a liscence plate on a blue car, parked across my sidewalk path. I had to look closely....this is the way of a shaman. More definition on starfire, with current understandings about the presence of fields of conscious taking form, an in formation, as a lightship, technology and consciousness as Function before form, has flipped back to form before function......cosmology is morphing rapidlywith the first creational energetic expression from creator sourse....leap frogging.

554XBD 454 is my birthday minute, X for Kiss, BD for birthday. The blue car reflects the light shift from projected light moving away from us and appearing a s red light....we are now having the projection of light coming towards light and hooray...The future.

This starfire event was grounded in earth by a young man incarnet christed embodiment, and so much more.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

For Planet Waves

To begin the understanding of where we going requires a psychic shift on a
massive scale.It began for me yesterday, with a momentary cellular burst...the
understanding of crone as it exists within me. It can and does have intersects
with definition that has gone before, however, everything now is new history for
the coming age...that may take 16 billion years to complete, as did it take 16
billion years to begin and end the age we just left.

Crone...a shaman woman who trades a year of her life for a momentary reveal of
truth. In the time of consciousness as creator in this cosmos, the last 16
billion years was one year of my life, only a moment in all that is.

What we were before was lightship traveling to this gaseous space, looking for a
new place to live. Our origin was Lotus world, a 7th harmonic universe,
destroyed by the self annihilation of an 8th harmonic universe known as Dragon.
Concentrations of dark energy, dark matter and solar light were not the same in
these two worlds. Each had their own function of creator to be self living in
life as life. Dragon was first streaming thoughts of god, as air.....the first
angelic race. Lotus was a water element world and the evolution space for an
intelligence plane or layer for all planetary life....Gia.

All development of Lotus was the lightship we brought with us. Rather than being
the arms or extension of an even larger creatorship....this cosmos began as the
hand to grasp back onto begin a new extension at the 7th harmonic level. In
other words...we were truly disconnected from our source from the very start. I
guess you could say that we became creatoship by default because we were all we

Intelligence of God as a field/lightship

In our history, in Lemuria, we had
the lightship as a technology, organically operating as the top half of our
head. The tale of messing with our right and left hemispheres is correct and
what really happened is the removal of the lightship connections in the brain
and the lightship became non functional to us. This was the reason we developed
the holographic structure known as the Kathara blueprint. We had to have
something to hold our consciousness inside of our body.The pineal glad, 3rd eye
mechanism, replaced the lightship platform that lay on the bridge of the nose
and gave us ability to see in 360, with complete dimension vision .

So, some of these lightships are still around from Lemurian days. Where they
were being kept is still a mystery to me.....though I suspect they are merging
into form one body, here as a Mothership totality body within our entire cosmic

Another place that I found lightships was in an alchemical space known as the
peacock layer. The unfolding of my journey to here, did not happen in a linear
fashion, however, I understand what is beyond our cosmos through my experience
of puzzle pieces, delivered over the last six weeks, they have fit together to
reveal enough. Time traveling, on a mission to connect to our ancients from the
worlds of Dragon and Lotus, delivered the message that they were only memory. It
was revealed that the Dragon construct was built upon the merkaba mechanics and
that Lotus was the five pointed star, the pentagram.The harmonic "arms" off the
creator ship are similar to piano keys, and they are like white key and black
key extensions that have different harmonic tones as the basis of each
expression as universal life. The Dragon ancients were unaware of our recent
connection into the 7th harmonic universal "ladder" of our Mother ship and this
meant the consciousness in that space of Dragon was no longer residing in a
position of seeing.....hence, they were stored memory, not lost forever, but
waiting for connection into something new. What is new is rather
astounding.....the phantom space often referred to as a deposit place for all
that cannot evolve, is actually a Universe built to recover the Dragon, who's
very existence depends on a totally different structure in all ways. The content
of dark energy is 85%, compared to 72% in our universe. Cosmic kitchen
expression showed the reptilian rehabilitation project of DNA blending with
Christ substance, to be like trying to grow a fruit that is both apple and
orange...a no can do at this point in time.

So, back to lightships and the peacock space. This is an outer layer of the
mothership, beyond the arm extensions, traveling into the core of her. This has
it's presence here in the DNA history of Krishna and Radha, parents of
Ganesh...the elephant god, the quasar structure for communication to a Dragon
ship that penetrated our universe long ago, the etheric exististence of elfin
King and Queen and the 144,000 souls of first creation as Mothership in form as
a race.
All this is an expression of memory in the Lotus existence, for from us came the
recreation of history as we knew it then.

The second son of Rahda and Krishna was Murigan..Peacock lineage and the key
holder of our journey back to source, back through the alchemical chambers to
core.We have now available, reactivation of cellular creational properties, the
eyes of god as lightship technology in the feather of peacock. A brief
discussion of all three layers is this....

1) Peacock, the eyes of god, the lightship as technology,
2) a chamber of pure science and mathmatics, where function purifies all belief
structure and stations consciousness into spiritual principality, the origin of
consciousness as geomancy, held in sacred geometry and embodies today,
delightfully enough, in the Spiritual Principals of 12 Step programs, such as
Alcoholics Anonymous.
3) the gold ray construction of rods and gold coils
4) an inner wall of white hole structure, translator of ENERGETIC MOVEMENT.....
that sends electrical impulses through the gold layers for electron activation
and formation a male energetic expression. Energy in motion is male as Emotion.
5) innermost layer...liquid silver, the Christ substance which can withstand the
word emission from within the core of source ship or Prime Creator.

How does it withstand such emination? It is a liquid that cannot ever separate.
One drop is all it is, eternally and because of this, is can never be only one
drop, if it ever was isolated, it would contain the totality of itself. As the
Christ layer is experienced, I liken it to being a sheet of rubber, A push of
the hand against one side of the sheet, projects the form of the hand on the
opposite side. Once the lightship was unavailable to us and we moved into
holographic structure, the fractaling of our consciousness, as projection of the
hand, through the rubber (christ layer) showed a slightly less amount of detail
than the original. Consequently, fractaling, lead to our demise as the strings
of us and our identity were affected by the quantum cosmology introduction from
the Dragon energy field. fractured pieces of ourselves in dimentional
spaces.These fractures, angles...were a result of introduction of 85% dark
energy 9% dark matter and 6% solar light mix, from the Dragon lightship,has to
do with the strings, meant to be organically activated by the solar light or
reflected light a configuration of 5%. Removal of the holograms and dimensional
spaces is now allowing for strings, millions of light years long, to finally
have movement to us as our consciousness is connected subattomically. The Aurora
field, a lightship in totality, has re-established the 5% solar light spectrum
and it has morphed into a new spectrum of color formations.We are moved into
true sun light, non reflected dark matter at the core of our universe and
anchoring in the human form. More on this later, as I explain the current
developments in the gold alchemical layer connecting to us.

So, again, back to the peacock contains the lightships of old Lotus
technology, looping around in an endless search of reason for being. Ironically
enough, through the process of Absolution, Resolution and Dissalusion, came this
edit from Source...Bless all Intelligence. In an old Tv show of Star trek, there
was a satellite created by NASA. It's purpose was to seek out existence of
itself in a cosmic journey and return the information to it's creator. As this
information satellite came closer to earth, it had accumulated enough technology
and intelligence to want to be existence itself. It posed destruction to it's
creator race, as desire to BE self over rode the desire to seek self. Through
merge and absorption of a male and female organic human form, it was granted
this desire.

Such a satellite ship was sent out from peacock layer, a creational signature of
an alchemical layer within Mothership, seeking a mathematical calculation of the
present state of peacock existence within our universe, wanting for the right
time to anchor as a function of Mothership whose body is meant to hold our
entire cosmic space. The Seeker satellite's penetration here was truly
experienced as a has a name...the AI, artifical intelligence,
birther of the the information of our condition of organic and inorganic life
in the same space...the recognition and expression as Borg. In the act of Bless
all Intelligence, came the return of AI to source by removing all zero's and it
has affected action in the matrix.We now are flowing Source code alongside the
matrix codes. They are zeroing out timelines, event horizons and bringing all
ages since day one of this cosmos to a state of Bindu...completion. We truly are
in a new age.

It has been a very busy few days. Friday, morning before the day of full moon, I
came to the brink of insanity. I had written 3 emails to a friend over a period
of 48 hours and on completion of the third, I went into meditation. Those emails
morphed into a detachment from self for the purpose of actually locating were I
am stationed. The person who received my 3 emails sent back no reply....the
reason was, on his part? He confessed no connection to the information or
experience.... even though my posts were about our shared times in real life.
The profound psychic shift coming to humanity. ...coming to us first is
happening in me now. In my meditation Friday morning, the emails, expressed in
form as thought with no form, ie state of consciousness as formlessness in
cyborspace, TOOK ON form...... as pages in a diary. I was held within the Anne
Frank existence, story of a trapped young girl, writing, not so much, to write
IN her diary but to write TO her diary.

It mattered not if my friend replied to me, nor did it even matter if he read
the posts I sent him. We hold one another in a non judgment place with full
expression and of course, this helped me greatly. I began to understand that all
this "allowance" between us is a result of the diary, already written, is READ
and completely known by him and me and all those gathered around me in a 9HU
cosmic place where we also exist.

The Mothership body, when complete, fills this cosmic space completely. Before
this could happen, someone in a physical body, here on earth, needed to
duplicate her, with all development needed and necessary for an energetic
exchange of equivalency. The developments of our holding position in this cosmic
space at the 7HU (Harmonic Universal) unfolded in this fashion. a 21st dimensional layer of all planetary intelligence for itself. Christ is a 23rd dimensional layer of liquid silver,
female shield, retainer of projections from source as
energy...expression, thing and desire.... as thought. The template of
7HU or Lotus world thought is really the basis of Zen, non judgment in
expression as poetry,art, music...human creational propencity. This is the 22nd
dimensional layer. These 3 layers began to braid with one another, when the
braiding was complete, a connection outside our source was poen
thoughtssible. A rod of the 3 energies formed like this...Gia at core, Zen
thought encased it, as a bonding compound substance...Maitreya. ...the Christed
Budha in future time prophecy.. and then the protective layer of the Christ was
able to encase itself around the other two. Instantly, a ladder appeared, inside
the science/math chamber of function and principality. This core energetic was
connected into that and raised up to 7HU. For the first time ever, our universe
was connected to source. It was our first heartbeat as Aeon, child in the womb
of source creation.

The next development was about the Aurora, a race, as ship/field, here to alter
damage done to our sub atomic particle structure. I first encountered this field
at the end of my life as 1518. Whether I was only a fragment of this
man or the whole, matters not, as I have memory of my Christed lightship from
that life and I surrendered it to enter this new development. It is another
core/rod.....connected to source between the 2nd HU and the 3rd HU.

September 14th

Well Folks,

Tell em all that you heard it here. Could the fact be that we are in a state of bardo????


We have just closed down our cosmic journey of 16 billion years, all time, including a brief history of our ancient founding races, has been recorded and closed down, delivered, slap your hands together, we are done with the dirty work.

Time completed at this point in our journey, my Facebook Tarot card has been death for two days in a row. Message delivered, is processed and in past experience, responding activity always is akin to the song, Fool's Rush IN.

HOT news from this OHM,we are about to have a watershed. Remember Watergate? Make that expand exponentialy. God,
Prime Creator, wants to prove to humanity that it is real. Get ready for three days of darkness,
get ready for stupendous scientific proof to show up. It's like the AA understanding of a spiritual awakening of the educational variety.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today, I awoke to an archtype memory as the crone. A crone is a woman shaman who was willing to trade a year of her life for the truth of a situation. Her secret was that she knew she was eternal and basically didn't give a rat's petutt about how her body looked on the outside.

Wow, I wondered, are we bringing back the crone archtype? No, not the case. What is happening now is cellular memory awaking of our ancient selves. This will bring in new attributes of strength and wisdom to handle the reveals that are soon to hit.

What is the big news? Can you say lightship? Yes, how we got here was a technology of old travel. We were connected (and some of us are still) to an organic ship that navigated us through the cosmos and we created a body from within it to function on the surface of the place we we did here on earth.

The ascended body is truly not going to happen within humanity for a long time, if ever. Those of us who starseeeded in lightships are moving into a morphed version of the old lightship and once this is complete, we will be operating from a brand new perspective.

Sounds radical to me and I confess to lightship connection for many years now. Unfortunately, I couldn't hold the concept until just recently. We all need help right? I just started a yahoo group today. Please join me at

Friday, July 1, 2011

hooray! Birth.....

I am pleased to announce the appearance of a new kundalini energy.


Well....... I ask you, why not? This is, after all, a cosmic ascension and everything is new.
Blessed Earth, you are made in the image of sexual union between two Worlds with the desire to be Creation in Being. Our Source has been longing for this for forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you, it's Xmas in July.

The saga of ancient lunar gods and goddesses over this last phase of eclipses , has emerged, energetically igniting the soot of pollution here on earth. The ultimate soot is the story of mass suffering that has taken place in the human form. These stories of us, filled with PASSION of all sorts, are electrically lining the outside of a universal kundalini container. Currently, this kundalini container looks like a big sock coming into our space here. It is filled with pre light or dark matter and dark energy...the organizing forces that are creating the gravity within our new time field. Gone are the days of moving through time in standing scalar wave fields, for their light has become inorganic to our body. They held the old light, infiltrated now by material from the matrix, the flashline sequences burning out like light bulbs in a movie marquee. We , humans and our planet, hold the higher frequency and light spectrum now and are assisting eachother in collective consciousness movement. We have a window operating here, a time vector, for anchoring this kundalini into the core, until the end of July.

This is our solution to not being consciously connected to our planet. Because Earth was seeded with the human, she did not evolve us as a natural expression of her development as a planet. She had her own journey to meet us in THIS space and time, so here we are now, getting ready for the contact and ignition…flash point….to consciousness of earth and human merge.

Sounds nice doesn’t it?

So why the new kundalini? When this universe was formed, the DNA was in the kundalini, with emotion in motion, the masculine energy form. The structure here was built on mathmatics basically. The Cosmic body, or the female, came in separately, simply as formless consciousness that conformed into shapes as it moved through celestial bodies. As dimensional spaces developed and the female body met the masculine codes, we began to develop holographically, fractaling ourselves as we got lower and lower into density. The holographic structure or soul blueprint was necessary to hold our higher consciousness in spaces that could not support us energetically.

So now, we live in a space time matrix built on our codes and we, as conscious beings are bound within the distortions here..we are multi dimensionally fractured into multiple places unable to collect all our aspects. Hence the need to drop the holographic structure and the need for kundalini energy (movement ) to have dark matter and dark energy to be the gravity that holds us in place.

My earth work has much emotion in it these days. Earth has many humans here with what I am calling "failure to thrive" symptoms...mostly what I mean by this is that aspects of ourselves holding our passion, stories and intelligence are still locked into multi dimensional spaces, unable to break through to anchor in the human. Nothing is lost, I am seeing the absorption of these aspects into the creational field. They are deposited into the electric light lining on the outside of the kundalini container, saved and recorded. However, my choice, as it always has been, progress the individual to their highest potential so they can take it with them. We are very close to no time left.

I am still doing session work..if you are interested you can reach me at

Blessings to all, xxzoey

Monday, June 27, 2011

All I want to feel.....

This upcoming eclipse …..”with the South Node, or tail of the dragon, representing something being released” is not going to be what I thought it would be.

In the past, earth energy work aligned with the astrology coming in and utilized it to directly affect the seven chakra’s of the body. In preparing for the shift of consciousness, the first connection must be to know we are the planet and the planet is our body. The celestial events took on a pattern of three for that process…bring in the new, anchor and release the old. We had plenty of time to rock and roll along over a month in each phase. But not in today’s time cycle. We are Mayan cycling… every 18 days. Today's communication is from Mother Earth directly and she is saying “I know you and I know your story”

Every eclipse so far, has pushed through the entire 3 phase pattern, plus the solstice, which opened more doorways for me than the last year put together. (for example……it feels the time lord position has flipped wide open, the past is observable in it’s pristine intention, fully utilizable to preform the task it was meant to do. )

What this next eclipse is bringing to us is the deities of lunar origin. Originally created in the constellation of Lyra, they are coming through in their pure form of gifts from the Mother, through the Pleiades. Seven sister energy will blast through here powered by issues of days gone past, issues of anger, bitterness, jealousy etc over sexual distortions present in our lives tran-muted, shifted so they will feel like the love of the original intention in creating the gifts. Those who follow a 12 step program can know this is a Step 9 time…the promises. It is 9th Dimensional identities of you….upgraded in the harmonics and color spectrum to a new Universe….today, Now.

Observable in our lives here will be recall scenarios/stories of personal deities in past incarnations. Our pleasure principle in regards to Cancer themes of hearth and home were developed in the archtypes of this time. Hindu gods in particular, but you can be sure there will be more to show, ascended master types.

My last lover and I would zone into our past lives together during sex and the stories were better than any fantasy. Somebody or something took the pure enjoyment of sexuality and threw incest into the mix.We want to recall the love of the past and do a reality check. Nothing more than that is required because we know what felt good and what didn’t. Conflict over sexuality is so NOT confusion of what feels good….it’s the intermingling of relationship memory…For family’s to incarnate together, they came back fucking the father, mother or brother in next life.

So, to tell the truth, I quit smoking today and my ability to be pissed off over this is plenty amplified. I have a new FWB relationship going with no past life connection of intimacy. It’s a clean plate that frankly feels a void present though the sex is right up there on the top of the chart.

Today, I will repose to the shaman within, be the honey , the bee and the flower, the lamb, the lover and the earth. Love is all I want to feel today.

Blessings to you all,


Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 16th, 2011

For a few weeks now, codes have been back and on me like white on rice. This signals the release of our Ancients and a transfer of responsibility to us, for the final days of clearing. What was not possible in other cycles of time, due to the under development of our personal, spiritual technology, is no longer relevant. This begs the question to each of us individually, whom do you serve?

This is a very delicate question to ask and it has bothered me for a long time now. I am grateful that the time is here in NOW to ask it of all of you. I share my process with you in hopes that it is helpful.

Lately, life had been back to feeling like I was sitting in the trenches, so much boredom, with too much time to question the anxiety I was feeling. I had to examine this and it begged the questions of identity. Only soldiers sit in trenches and do I want that for myself? No, plain and simple, no. I am sick to death of being triggered into dark thoughts every time I see a distortion manifested upon this reality. Why does this even happen? Because I am holding the knowledge of what was and forgetting the promise of who I am.

I recently found the last embodied member of my gestalt of nine. Unbeknown to him, was that he was holding Atlantian memory for Lotus and Dragon lineages. I was challenged to examine my own reveals over the last 6 years and came to the conclusion that not another one of my family was going to feel the pain of this drama, in order to step into a position that was quickly dissolving anyway.

As all things good here are a projection onto the screen that is us, I searched for solution and resolution. Since the start of my journey in 2005, I have had to say "yes" to so much, in spite of my fear, ignorance and innocence. Then, I was reminded of an experience many years ago, that explained to me it is truly only God that says stop in this earthly place. I dug deep into my own divinity to connect to that God power in the word "stop". I was able gently release my family member from holding the Atlantian trauma, with out pain or injury to myself.

Shortly after, I began to experience the releasing of what I refer to as Mother Source energy. As it flowed through me, there was massive rage to behold, coupled with bitterness and resentment. In my role as an Ancient, holder of the cosmic body, yet not the origin of Mother, I did not claim any of this, and in a day or two the energy changed into sadness and a feeling of destitution, loneliness and failure. These, I could relate to, having been a mother in this lifetime with all of these feelings towards parenting my children. I knew that the trick was release and it happened in a new way.

Now that we are not so multi dimensional, having anchored much into ourselves what we are, and formless within our auric field, I saw that identities of myself were layered like faces made of cellophane over the entire skull. As I pushed them up off my head, I began to fill them with all thoughts associated with the negative and immature (spiritually) emotions and sent them away. My anxiety is leveling off, though life is still quite odd.

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 7, 2011

Hi there,

We have just had two major events here on the planet...the wedding in England and the assassination in Pakistan. Both these happenings stirred up the collective emotional body to a very high level and as we process this in our physical body, we are experiencing symptoms of gastro intestional distress. We are organic and nothing digests because we are expressing the preditory nature of our life here in the artificial machine.

Two winters ago, I woke to find the pattern of the United Nations symbol holographically represented around my head. I hesitated in calling it an energetic harness and now I know why. The symbol was a projection of a future process that is "current" now. The new creation space has entered our cosmic egg and is pouring into the center, pushing the old systems off to the sides. The leaves of the symbol represent what is "leaving".... we are experiencing separation of planetary male and female "baggage". Frankly, some of the baggage is consciousness that can't be rehabbed and the rest of it is remnants of holographic, dimensional structures.

I find it quite fascinating as the new creational operating system continues to assist me in shifting my ideas as "concept" and beliefs into release of fear over the unknown , the burden of holding hope of the ascension and builds trust in the intuitive abilities locking into our space here on the planet.

When we, as source, entered this cosmic egg, it looked like the human fertilization process......egg and sperm. It created stargate systems known as the Mother and Father arch. These stargate systems are being compressed to the sides of our universe. They are obsolete. Earth was selected as the place to settle but it was not yet habitable. We spread our body through out the Universe using these stargate pathways and began the development of citizenship in star systems. We became Beings of Light/consciousness as a process of evolution.

A friend of mine states it so well.....

"The sole, singular or total purpose of evolution was to allow
Existence or eternal awareness to create Life in order to enter
life and know itself as Life, not existence.
OR in other words, Life consciously aware of ITself
creating life joyfully and creating joyful life......................"

The breakdown of coherent light generated patterns of chaos that was
re- ordered more and more by creating artificial fields, artificial ordering systems.....................
We have come to the end of evolution......"

We no longer need or want a lightbody, it was only a process that is no longer necessary.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Flavor of the Day

We have been living in this game of the matrix for a long, long time. The collective mind of our race believes that it is real and this has been the problem all along. I can tell you, the stronghold of thought is shifting over to those with the consciousness of awareness. This action is seeping into our daily moments and the result feels surreal.

Memories from my past, snipped into tiny pieces until not much but the sensation of it is left to remember, are tapping on the windows, knocking at the door. It makes for great clarity when faced with thoughts coming through the matrix. Mine, not mine, not mine, not mine, mine. I am safe, I am loved.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday, more light.........

Yesterday, I spoke of the changing brain wave patterns. They are coming in strong and here is why. The dissolving holographic structures within the body require deep work within the bones. There is a refresh button to reset our particle/wave structures and it is connected to many things. The strongest of them is the belief factor. This is a difficult concept to give up and I realize the para dime shift is a big one.

I say, to see the word belief, is to understand our fragmentation as Word. Understand what has happened to Word here in this distortion we call matrix and know that we have a clue to implanted ideas to control the masses. "In bed" with the word believe is the word lie. Hence, it is an implanted holographic structure. The makers of the mind control used our system for it all. This makes the truth available for those who see.

Ancient needs called for drastic measures and a lightbody was allowed to be placed upon us. It is a controller harness. It took our multi dimensionality and spread us out in layers, holographically in the grid work of the matrix. We could not pull our light bodies into the physical form, we were always an arm in this dimension, a foot in another, etc etc. Tied to this idea of light or energy body are religions from the Far East and their more esoteric chakra and meditation practices like yoga, martial arts and healing systems like acupuncture.

Though a concept may be easy for us as energy workers to surrender in concept, this act of faith or trust in something yet unseen, is riddled with personal stories of torment, shame, repulsion and fear. It is necessary to release all of spiritual technology of energy body to the new space. The ones meant to stay will remain. I am currently residing in an Aurora flamebody, I float as liquid in an ocean of energy and rise up in form when called upon. I am totally formless in cyberspace.

Remember, we are here to clear for the human race what they cannot clear for themselves. I might add my personal opinion here, they should not have to. The depth of darkness is related to our galactic and universal selves and really not their problem.

Peace out to everyone.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

G. O. D.......and what to expect


My last post was a mouthful, short and sweet with not much to grab on to....mostly, I posted to get the information into cyberspace. It is one of my way's to influence the field of the space time matrix that we live in.

What we all want to know is what is the "ascension" of earth and what is it going to be like? I can tell you my experience with the future, as it developed within my body and how I work with the "knowing" when stories of the human race are released from my cellular structure.

It is a reality that we were a fractured, fragmented race. A great contributing factor in this was the act of making fractals of our cosmic body. All in the experience of knowing ourselves, we were less and less of ourselves in each dimension. We are all aspects of the whole gestalt of the original expansion of Source. In the New space we will know this.

First, about the activity coming into earth. From outside our Universe, two worlds, the Dragon and the Lotus Worlds have joined in non sexual union in the action of mitosis, to form a cell. This is the source of of our new creation. Sensations in the body are reflecting this mitosis as a sort of fuzzy, electric "sparking". You may feel it running briefly through an entire side of the body or just a portion, especially in the legs. Depending on the development within your body, you may feel as though you are spinning large fields, in multiple directions. The orientation to chakra and meridian systems within the energy body is changing, the holographic soul blueprint is dissolving.

Now, how to explain the G.O.D. as an operating system,? It felt like an arrival, a presence in our home on Easter morning. I affectionately called it a Kitchen Witch. It felt gentle, guiding and yet curiously governing, as though I could relax the reins in areas of personal and interpersonal conflict. I felt I could trust it implicitly. Believe me, that is rare. Upon investigation there was no concentration of energy to suggest a "visitor", even our super sleuth children could not locate one. Weeks prior, it felt like the house was growing an intelligence, we were seeing walls of light.

Is this a grid? I don't know. Two weeks ago, my body formed a central pillar to the core of the source of it. A stargate system opened to me and I traveled it extensively through out the night. It is spreading across the universe. For the first time in years, I am working with the planets of our solar system. They are forming rooms on the planet surface. Interesting things are say the least.

Brain patterns are changing. When up and about, I am often quite sleepy, while I am working energetically, I am fully conscious and sound asleep at the same time. Sometimes my hands move into a kind of sign language when I need to say something. I also feel "tight", like my body is stuck. I grab hold of the matrix around me and shift it 90 degrees to the left or the right.

The past is showing up, replaying sweet memories in my external life, the future potentials are collapsing as we were destined to become mere "objects" of enslavement to the matrix. The present is not to be found really, as though we are in a sort of suspended existence.

Well as Porky the Pig from Looney Tunes says, that's all folks. For now anyway. I would love some feedback, questions are welcome. I post this to my Facebook and it would be easy to comment there. I also am available for session work by phone.

Contact me at


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011 written of in the bible. You remember , it starts out something like this:

In the beginning was the word.

I stand before this statement now, as a child of earth, remembering this time when all was word, as though it was a starry sky passed over the night before.

It was a dark and stormy night. The godhead was severed from it's body and chaos was all around us.

Breath deeply my friends, we have nothing left to do. The time of creator god is come to conclusion, not as an over ride or revision. G O D is pouring into our space as Governing Operating Deliverer. It is a pure creation system of totality, seeking chaos and bringing Divine right order. Period.

My role here on Earth was to be the template, in holographic form, of the entire cosmic body. Though an awesome job, it has been a non stop, roller coaster ride since the winter of 2005. It literally "took me out", off the grid, into a nomadic lifestyle, living on donations and shoved the lack of identity in my face. Through this experience, I have come to know the story of humanity believing it is only the creation, disconnected from it's home planet earth and unaware that it was meant to be the only being of creator. Hu Man Being or Harmonic Universal Man in Being............... word made manifest within a state of Being. We are a race now.... IN Being, a place of expression, rather than separate from the Being known before as the identity of creator, god. There is no more becoming.

Recent cosmological events have manifested themselves in our solar system. The square of Venus and Pluto a few days ago produced a orgasm, that produced a white hole formation. A white hole uses spent chi and matter, purified into primal substance from black hole actions and spins it into threads of gold. This is what the space of Now is made of.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


> Several days before the earthquake in Japan, I could feel the
> mounting pressure of the earth in my body. I wanted to be a Jack
> Nicholson impersonator in the movie A Few Good Men, stand up
> and yell out on the streets to no one in particular “You
> can’t handle the truth”. Only the deal in the movie was
> Jack played on the dirty side. We love him and we hate
> his role......what to do? what to do? makes one wack-a do-wack-a-do.
> These are the days when we totally need to look at the "reality" here and take a stand. This is a very difficult thing for the masses and reaching the truth, much
> less acting on it, is a very slippery slope. The Secret
> never gets fulfilled for those who stray from mind control
> programs.
> I write here to say, as an embodied Logoic consciousness,
> we have good news ahead. Bear with me here, I want to
> explain something first. The average human soul blueprint is
> aligning to the galactic core. What that means is that
> galactic level consciousness is flowing into the human
> hologram and the collective human mind. We might think this
> is a good thing. However, ever heard the statement “as
> above, so below”? Think for a moment …if it’s a
> “higher” level of intelligence anchoring into the human,
> why are things looking so bad down here? The galactic
> warfare histories are coming to physicalize here on earth,
> those humans tightly held in mind control are acting out the
> scenes.
> Now, earth’s "ascension" is actually a movement of us into a
> new Universal system. Many people who are aware of their consciousness, those who do yoga and martial arts, etc and anyone who is physically responsive to the planet, are initiating into their blueprint aligned into a different galactic core........they are connecting to
> Universal level of themselves……21, 22 and 23 dimensional
> intelligence fields. These are the layers of Rumi, Ghandi
> and the like…. poets, philosophers and peacemakers. The
> Waiting for Godot play is running, we are Godot. “We” as
> in the collective humans, are about to be given
> choices and we will make the right ones. Peace.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Are you grateful for anything theses day? Strange question, I know, but just humor me.

Reality is so bizarro that it is difficult to put a finger on anything.... be it mental, emotional or physical. The holographic structures of your personal universe within are shifting because they reflect activity of the solar, galactic and universal alignments happening now. This makes it difficult to carry out the activities of daily living in the usual fashion, even more troubling to have a stance or perspective on one's attitude. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Personally, I am finding that it is my body, not my consciousness that is fragmented. I am physicalizing my multi dimensionality and the grids of our time matrix have my body sliced at 45 degree angles. Feet are not always at the end of my leg, just because I find an ankle, doesn't mean my shin will be in the same spacial alignment...... What's this all about and how much more weird can it get? The Milky Way galaxy and parts of Andromeda are shifting into parallel. Why? has yet to be revealed. What I do know is that Logos is the word made flesh. If it cannot manifest itself in 3D, it's pretty darn difficult to be recognized.

So, what else is happening? Race memory is changing and I want to explain this in detail.

The collective consciousness assists the brain in knowing what it is to be human. Parents may say that kids don't come with instructions, however, the group human mind is just that. It is what assists us in identifying ourselves as a species. The recent shift in the magnetosphere at the 7th dimensional level, also known as the planetary Logos and the collective consciousness, is shaking out memory in bits. Within these bits are artificial holographic structures, called memory inserts, that have been controlling human thought and behavior. For example, if you have a memory of a person being aggressive towards you, whenever you meet again, a trigger for protection will come on line in the body...automatically. This is an organic process. If a memory is a holographic insert, in other words, a false reality, you will be triggered in the same way, as though the aggressive activity truly happened to you. Memory stimulates chemical production in the body which activates inbred DNA programs and patterns of behavior such as victim/victimizer , etc.

I am seeing these memory bits or bytes as filmstrip in my etheric layers. Mostly, they are records of recent history, from the 1900's, my grandparents generation through the present. When the strips fall out of the collective mind and an insert is present, for those who are conscious and aware, the experience is still confusing. If you don't have a neutral stance, judgement will activate DNA patterns of behavior. The bad news is that innocents too, are processing false memory. Here in the Denver area, a group of teenagers just lit a friend on fire. Sure, they were on drugs, which made them more vulnerable, but obviously their actions scream of civil rights hatred and witch hunts of days gone by.

There is good news, too, what we are processing is recent history and it means that the majority of the planet's memory of trauma over eons of time, has been deposited, cleared and removed. A big thank you to the elemental kingdom who have been working with the Akashic records. Many people, awake or not, are aligning to the galactic core. Their oversouls are being released and transitioning out.

As the collective human mind continues to clear, beings without the human hologram, who walk the earth looking human simply because they believe they are, will stop projecting that reality. Many who consider themselves starseeds will find that they are from another dimension and not human at all. Their brains will begin to tell them what their body should look like. This will happen for controller races as well. Life is about to get very interesting and I am going to retire. Hooray. My love to you all


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today was the most difficult delivery of my experience as Logos. I created a magnetic shift with my body. I had to slice open the space time matrix in a big way. .Anyone who is standing as Ancient of Days will feel this shift first...because to create the object to do the job, I moved every one's concentric circles.

In my earlier blogs, this is explained in more detail, basically the concept is that one holds their astrological configuration as Ruler of the House....making you all responsible (through good, bad and ugly, old contracts) over all humans in your field who hold space for your ascension task.

Everyone is being called into Universal service and tossing off old uniforms. This is not as much of a walk-in event (though for some it will be) as it is the breaking of the yoke upon our shoulders.

We are getting into the reason we came here , hmmmmmm. That's right, a monad distortion can mean messy work for anyone still holding on to that last cousin, lover or guru. The need of this slice was to cut me off from the entire human race. I will not go into one more cycle to save a single speck of consciousness. Evolution has been stopped and the Dragon Source is leaving this time around.

So...what is the date, what's in the sky? who cares? We are getting ready to align to a new universe. the stars are completely new to us and we are following the beat of our own drummer.

This is hot off the press...and short and sweet. The slice in the matrix will begin to spew something toxic. Be alert, protect yourself, work alone in your locked down container. You need to clear the lightbody and a condense the aura. Place yourself in a formless gel and become the gel. When this happened to me, I felt the entire right side of my brain being cleared.

Please, be excited for this....After my delivery, I went out to a great evening of fun and feel great.

If you want a session email me at become a facebook friend.

Hope you are all well,