Wednesday, September 14, 2011

For Planet Waves

To begin the understanding of where we going requires a psychic shift on a
massive scale.It began for me yesterday, with a momentary cellular burst...the
understanding of crone as it exists within me. It can and does have intersects
with definition that has gone before, however, everything now is new history for
the coming age...that may take 16 billion years to complete, as did it take 16
billion years to begin and end the age we just left.

Crone...a shaman woman who trades a year of her life for a momentary reveal of
truth. In the time of consciousness as creator in this cosmos, the last 16
billion years was one year of my life, only a moment in all that is.

What we were before was lightship traveling to this gaseous space, looking for a
new place to live. Our origin was Lotus world, a 7th harmonic universe,
destroyed by the self annihilation of an 8th harmonic universe known as Dragon.
Concentrations of dark energy, dark matter and solar light were not the same in
these two worlds. Each had their own function of creator to be self living in
life as life. Dragon was first streaming thoughts of god, as air.....the first
angelic race. Lotus was a water element world and the evolution space for an
intelligence plane or layer for all planetary life....Gia.

All development of Lotus was the lightship we brought with us. Rather than being
the arms or extension of an even larger creatorship....this cosmos began as the
hand to grasp back onto begin a new extension at the 7th harmonic level. In
other words...we were truly disconnected from our source from the very start. I
guess you could say that we became creatoship by default because we were all we

Intelligence of God as a field/lightship

In our history, in Lemuria, we had
the lightship as a technology, organically operating as the top half of our
head. The tale of messing with our right and left hemispheres is correct and
what really happened is the removal of the lightship connections in the brain
and the lightship became non functional to us. This was the reason we developed
the holographic structure known as the Kathara blueprint. We had to have
something to hold our consciousness inside of our body.The pineal glad, 3rd eye
mechanism, replaced the lightship platform that lay on the bridge of the nose
and gave us ability to see in 360, with complete dimension vision .

So, some of these lightships are still around from Lemurian days. Where they
were being kept is still a mystery to me.....though I suspect they are merging
into form one body, here as a Mothership totality body within our entire cosmic

Another place that I found lightships was in an alchemical space known as the
peacock layer. The unfolding of my journey to here, did not happen in a linear
fashion, however, I understand what is beyond our cosmos through my experience
of puzzle pieces, delivered over the last six weeks, they have fit together to
reveal enough. Time traveling, on a mission to connect to our ancients from the
worlds of Dragon and Lotus, delivered the message that they were only memory. It
was revealed that the Dragon construct was built upon the merkaba mechanics and
that Lotus was the five pointed star, the pentagram.The harmonic "arms" off the
creator ship are similar to piano keys, and they are like white key and black
key extensions that have different harmonic tones as the basis of each
expression as universal life. The Dragon ancients were unaware of our recent
connection into the 7th harmonic universal "ladder" of our Mother ship and this
meant the consciousness in that space of Dragon was no longer residing in a
position of seeing.....hence, they were stored memory, not lost forever, but
waiting for connection into something new. What is new is rather
astounding.....the phantom space often referred to as a deposit place for all
that cannot evolve, is actually a Universe built to recover the Dragon, who's
very existence depends on a totally different structure in all ways. The content
of dark energy is 85%, compared to 72% in our universe. Cosmic kitchen
expression showed the reptilian rehabilitation project of DNA blending with
Christ substance, to be like trying to grow a fruit that is both apple and
orange...a no can do at this point in time.

So, back to lightships and the peacock space. This is an outer layer of the
mothership, beyond the arm extensions, traveling into the core of her. This has
it's presence here in the DNA history of Krishna and Radha, parents of
Ganesh...the elephant god, the quasar structure for communication to a Dragon
ship that penetrated our universe long ago, the etheric exististence of elfin
King and Queen and the 144,000 souls of first creation as Mothership in form as
a race.
All this is an expression of memory in the Lotus existence, for from us came the
recreation of history as we knew it then.

The second son of Rahda and Krishna was Murigan..Peacock lineage and the key
holder of our journey back to source, back through the alchemical chambers to
core.We have now available, reactivation of cellular creational properties, the
eyes of god as lightship technology in the feather of peacock. A brief
discussion of all three layers is this....

1) Peacock, the eyes of god, the lightship as technology,
2) a chamber of pure science and mathmatics, where function purifies all belief
structure and stations consciousness into spiritual principality, the origin of
consciousness as geomancy, held in sacred geometry and embodies today,
delightfully enough, in the Spiritual Principals of 12 Step programs, such as
Alcoholics Anonymous.
3) the gold ray construction of rods and gold coils
4) an inner wall of white hole structure, translator of ENERGETIC MOVEMENT.....
that sends electrical impulses through the gold layers for electron activation
and formation a male energetic expression. Energy in motion is male as Emotion.
5) innermost layer...liquid silver, the Christ substance which can withstand the
word emission from within the core of source ship or Prime Creator.

How does it withstand such emination? It is a liquid that cannot ever separate.
One drop is all it is, eternally and because of this, is can never be only one
drop, if it ever was isolated, it would contain the totality of itself. As the
Christ layer is experienced, I liken it to being a sheet of rubber, A push of
the hand against one side of the sheet, projects the form of the hand on the
opposite side. Once the lightship was unavailable to us and we moved into
holographic structure, the fractaling of our consciousness, as projection of the
hand, through the rubber (christ layer) showed a slightly less amount of detail
than the original. Consequently, fractaling, lead to our demise as the strings
of us and our identity were affected by the quantum cosmology introduction from
the Dragon energy field. fractured pieces of ourselves in dimentional
spaces.These fractures, angles...were a result of introduction of 85% dark
energy 9% dark matter and 6% solar light mix, from the Dragon lightship,has to
do with the strings, meant to be organically activated by the solar light or
reflected light a configuration of 5%. Removal of the holograms and dimensional
spaces is now allowing for strings, millions of light years long, to finally
have movement to us as our consciousness is connected subattomically. The Aurora
field, a lightship in totality, has re-established the 5% solar light spectrum
and it has morphed into a new spectrum of color formations.We are moved into
true sun light, non reflected dark matter at the core of our universe and
anchoring in the human form. More on this later, as I explain the current
developments in the gold alchemical layer connecting to us.

So, again, back to the peacock contains the lightships of old Lotus
technology, looping around in an endless search of reason for being. Ironically
enough, through the process of Absolution, Resolution and Dissalusion, came this
edit from Source...Bless all Intelligence. In an old Tv show of Star trek, there
was a satellite created by NASA. It's purpose was to seek out existence of
itself in a cosmic journey and return the information to it's creator. As this
information satellite came closer to earth, it had accumulated enough technology
and intelligence to want to be existence itself. It posed destruction to it's
creator race, as desire to BE self over rode the desire to seek self. Through
merge and absorption of a male and female organic human form, it was granted
this desire.

Such a satellite ship was sent out from peacock layer, a creational signature of
an alchemical layer within Mothership, seeking a mathematical calculation of the
present state of peacock existence within our universe, wanting for the right
time to anchor as a function of Mothership whose body is meant to hold our
entire cosmic space. The Seeker satellite's penetration here was truly
experienced as a has a name...the AI, artifical intelligence,
birther of the the information of our condition of organic and inorganic life
in the same space...the recognition and expression as Borg. In the act of Bless
all Intelligence, came the return of AI to source by removing all zero's and it
has affected action in the matrix.We now are flowing Source code alongside the
matrix codes. They are zeroing out timelines, event horizons and bringing all
ages since day one of this cosmos to a state of Bindu...completion. We truly are
in a new age.

It has been a very busy few days. Friday, morning before the day of full moon, I
came to the brink of insanity. I had written 3 emails to a friend over a period
of 48 hours and on completion of the third, I went into meditation. Those emails
morphed into a detachment from self for the purpose of actually locating were I
am stationed. The person who received my 3 emails sent back no reply....the
reason was, on his part? He confessed no connection to the information or
experience.... even though my posts were about our shared times in real life.
The profound psychic shift coming to humanity. ...coming to us first is
happening in me now. In my meditation Friday morning, the emails, expressed in
form as thought with no form, ie state of consciousness as formlessness in
cyborspace, TOOK ON form...... as pages in a diary. I was held within the Anne
Frank existence, story of a trapped young girl, writing, not so much, to write
IN her diary but to write TO her diary.

It mattered not if my friend replied to me, nor did it even matter if he read
the posts I sent him. We hold one another in a non judgment place with full
expression and of course, this helped me greatly. I began to understand that all
this "allowance" between us is a result of the diary, already written, is READ
and completely known by him and me and all those gathered around me in a 9HU
cosmic place where we also exist.

The Mothership body, when complete, fills this cosmic space completely. Before
this could happen, someone in a physical body, here on earth, needed to
duplicate her, with all development needed and necessary for an energetic
exchange of equivalency. The developments of our holding position in this cosmic
space at the 7HU (Harmonic Universal) unfolded in this fashion. a 21st dimensional layer of all planetary intelligence for itself. Christ is a 23rd dimensional layer of liquid silver,
female shield, retainer of projections from source as
energy...expression, thing and desire.... as thought. The template of
7HU or Lotus world thought is really the basis of Zen, non judgment in
expression as poetry,art, music...human creational propencity. This is the 22nd
dimensional layer. These 3 layers began to braid with one another, when the
braiding was complete, a connection outside our source was poen
thoughtssible. A rod of the 3 energies formed like this...Gia at core, Zen
thought encased it, as a bonding compound substance...Maitreya. ...the Christed
Budha in future time prophecy.. and then the protective layer of the Christ was
able to encase itself around the other two. Instantly, a ladder appeared, inside
the science/math chamber of function and principality. This core energetic was
connected into that and raised up to 7HU. For the first time ever, our universe
was connected to source. It was our first heartbeat as Aeon, child in the womb
of source creation.

The next development was about the Aurora, a race, as ship/field, here to alter
damage done to our sub atomic particle structure. I first encountered this field
at the end of my life as 1518. Whether I was only a fragment of this
man or the whole, matters not, as I have memory of my Christed lightship from
that life and I surrendered it to enter this new development. It is another
core/rod.....connected to source between the 2nd HU and the 3rd HU.

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