Sunday, September 18, 2011

What IS an ascended planet?

Over the course of many years, I have studied the process of our cosmic
evolution. This study is of an experiential nature, that involves both my
consciousness and a little known science, one of spiritual
technology......easily identified as lightship.

Lately, I have been required to separate the consciousness that is me from that
technology, to better define my current role. Consciousness in form, as human,
is that which is cellular, embedded memory in the physical, connected to
fractals and fragments of ones past existence through all time,to the DNA
structure and it's ability to connect to the strings of the subatomic universe.
It's purpose is the accumulation of the intelligence as spirit and placed
within a container, a form, a vessel.

Technology is that which develops around the spirit, the environment of
support.... an accumulated field that always meets the needs of the
consciousness. It contains a mathmatical component, that literally removes the
states of emotion that interfere with further movement into purified awareness,
however, the acceptance and resolution of said emotion is the required action
for mathmatical calculation to recapitulate the experience of consciousness as
energy in motion over a linear progression of time.

I quote from Keylontic dictionary on the movement through time as the scalar
wave."A pattern of light-sound (standing electro-tonal wave fields) built upon
specific electro-tonal units of sound frequency that are imbued with
multi-dimensional electrical current."

What is a skew here on earth, is our life in the physical. We can look at this
in the macro, our planet and the society that lives on it,is sick. We are fast
approaching the event horizon of technology taking over as a function of the
matrix we live in. If allowed to continue it's current path, it becomes the
inevitable source of destruction for all life as organic to the creator
intelligence that started this place.

Those of us on a consciousness pathway can provide a micro perspective of the
difficultly of life. Many are nomadic, jobless and broken, financially and
psychically. I gave up my nursing career in 2008 due to the requirements of my
spiritual tasks, my days often require upwards of 12 hours in meditation.

What of us, who are asking the question "what is the solution?" We are coming up
boggled by the complexity. I agree, the complexity is enormous. Before I get
into what I see coming as solution for us, I want to speak again of the matrix.
It is an intelligence that can utilize the creational powers of the planet,
using the magnectics of our core, to condense subatomic particles into matter.
Shocking to realize for the average human, many who walk the earth are simply
projections in form, connected to the collective consciousness of human thought
as to what it is to be human. They appear real and human because they think they
are. They are, simply put, a utensil of the matrix, designed to perform action
to continue the matrix itself.

This dramatically shifts the question, how do we change humanity? into who or
what can remove these robotic entities from the surface and how can it happen so
the people who are left, don't go psychotic?

This connection to all these partical based embodiment, can be instantly disconnected from the information on what it is to be human. Who will decide what is human today? We will. We hold the exceptional passion for ourselves, for others and for mankind. Collective awareness of life in the physical and simply put, it is our consciousness lightship, the sun of the light ship in unity field formation.

Imagine, for instance, if over a short period of weeks or months, some
"persons" simply begin to disappear. It will be obvious that the disappearing
ones are of a "questionable or darker" nature. Life will become less chaotic, a
positive reinforcement for such disappearances.

I have often toyed with the concept that an ascended planet lives within a sun.
My recently upgraded awareness of lightship, as consciousness and technology
merged to create the environment needed and necessary to house and support
further development of consciousness, has come up with interesting developments.
Within my body and extended through my technology field is a multi dimensional
"drawing board". It acts as a brain, with receptor sites for time. It recreates
identifiable cosmic developments as frequency, color, energy, planetary and
thought intelligence, space, quantum mechanics and physics, math and science,
consciousness as form and as creation, in no form, pure existence.

What I see happening inside myself,is the development of a structure of core
creation, consistent with the development of the 7th Harmonic Universe we reside
in, forming a container for a lightship field around the earth. At the end of
this meditation, for the first time ever, I saw the collection of accumulated
consciousness, in human form, come together to be counted. We do live in
exciting times.

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