Monday, June 27, 2011

All I want to feel.....

This upcoming eclipse …..”with the South Node, or tail of the dragon, representing something being released” is not going to be what I thought it would be.

In the past, earth energy work aligned with the astrology coming in and utilized it to directly affect the seven chakra’s of the body. In preparing for the shift of consciousness, the first connection must be to know we are the planet and the planet is our body. The celestial events took on a pattern of three for that process…bring in the new, anchor and release the old. We had plenty of time to rock and roll along over a month in each phase. But not in today’s time cycle. We are Mayan cycling… every 18 days. Today's communication is from Mother Earth directly and she is saying “I know you and I know your story”

Every eclipse so far, has pushed through the entire 3 phase pattern, plus the solstice, which opened more doorways for me than the last year put together. (for example……it feels the time lord position has flipped wide open, the past is observable in it’s pristine intention, fully utilizable to preform the task it was meant to do. )

What this next eclipse is bringing to us is the deities of lunar origin. Originally created in the constellation of Lyra, they are coming through in their pure form of gifts from the Mother, through the Pleiades. Seven sister energy will blast through here powered by issues of days gone past, issues of anger, bitterness, jealousy etc over sexual distortions present in our lives tran-muted, shifted so they will feel like the love of the original intention in creating the gifts. Those who follow a 12 step program can know this is a Step 9 time…the promises. It is 9th Dimensional identities of you….upgraded in the harmonics and color spectrum to a new Universe….today, Now.

Observable in our lives here will be recall scenarios/stories of personal deities in past incarnations. Our pleasure principle in regards to Cancer themes of hearth and home were developed in the archtypes of this time. Hindu gods in particular, but you can be sure there will be more to show, ascended master types.

My last lover and I would zone into our past lives together during sex and the stories were better than any fantasy. Somebody or something took the pure enjoyment of sexuality and threw incest into the mix.We want to recall the love of the past and do a reality check. Nothing more than that is required because we know what felt good and what didn’t. Conflict over sexuality is so NOT confusion of what feels good….it’s the intermingling of relationship memory…For family’s to incarnate together, they came back fucking the father, mother or brother in next life.

So, to tell the truth, I quit smoking today and my ability to be pissed off over this is plenty amplified. I have a new FWB relationship going with no past life connection of intimacy. It’s a clean plate that frankly feels a void present though the sex is right up there on the top of the chart.

Today, I will repose to the shaman within, be the honey , the bee and the flower, the lamb, the lover and the earth. Love is all I want to feel today.

Blessings to you all,


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