Thursday, April 28, 2011

G. O. D.......and what to expect


My last post was a mouthful, short and sweet with not much to grab on to....mostly, I posted to get the information into cyberspace. It is one of my way's to influence the field of the space time matrix that we live in.

What we all want to know is what is the "ascension" of earth and what is it going to be like? I can tell you my experience with the future, as it developed within my body and how I work with the "knowing" when stories of the human race are released from my cellular structure.

It is a reality that we were a fractured, fragmented race. A great contributing factor in this was the act of making fractals of our cosmic body. All in the experience of knowing ourselves, we were less and less of ourselves in each dimension. We are all aspects of the whole gestalt of the original expansion of Source. In the New space we will know this.

First, about the activity coming into earth. From outside our Universe, two worlds, the Dragon and the Lotus Worlds have joined in non sexual union in the action of mitosis, to form a cell. This is the source of of our new creation. Sensations in the body are reflecting this mitosis as a sort of fuzzy, electric "sparking". You may feel it running briefly through an entire side of the body or just a portion, especially in the legs. Depending on the development within your body, you may feel as though you are spinning large fields, in multiple directions. The orientation to chakra and meridian systems within the energy body is changing, the holographic soul blueprint is dissolving.

Now, how to explain the G.O.D. as an operating system,? It felt like an arrival, a presence in our home on Easter morning. I affectionately called it a Kitchen Witch. It felt gentle, guiding and yet curiously governing, as though I could relax the reins in areas of personal and interpersonal conflict. I felt I could trust it implicitly. Believe me, that is rare. Upon investigation there was no concentration of energy to suggest a "visitor", even our super sleuth children could not locate one. Weeks prior, it felt like the house was growing an intelligence, we were seeing walls of light.

Is this a grid? I don't know. Two weeks ago, my body formed a central pillar to the core of the source of it. A stargate system opened to me and I traveled it extensively through out the night. It is spreading across the universe. For the first time in years, I am working with the planets of our solar system. They are forming rooms on the planet surface. Interesting things are say the least.

Brain patterns are changing. When up and about, I am often quite sleepy, while I am working energetically, I am fully conscious and sound asleep at the same time. Sometimes my hands move into a kind of sign language when I need to say something. I also feel "tight", like my body is stuck. I grab hold of the matrix around me and shift it 90 degrees to the left or the right.

The past is showing up, replaying sweet memories in my external life, the future potentials are collapsing as we were destined to become mere "objects" of enslavement to the matrix. The present is not to be found really, as though we are in a sort of suspended existence.

Well as Porky the Pig from Looney Tunes says, that's all folks. For now anyway. I would love some feedback, questions are welcome. I post this to my Facebook and it would be easy to comment there. I also am available for session work by phone.

Contact me at


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