Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday, more light.........

Yesterday, I spoke of the changing brain wave patterns. They are coming in strong and here is why. The dissolving holographic structures within the body require deep work within the bones. There is a refresh button to reset our particle/wave structures and it is connected to many things. The strongest of them is the belief factor. This is a difficult concept to give up and I realize the para dime shift is a big one.

I say, to see the word belief, is to understand our fragmentation as Word. Understand what has happened to Word here in this distortion we call matrix and know that we have a clue to implanted ideas to control the masses. "In bed" with the word believe is the word lie. Hence, it is an implanted holographic structure. The makers of the mind control used our system for it all. This makes the truth available for those who see.

Ancient needs called for drastic measures and a lightbody was allowed to be placed upon us. It is a controller harness. It took our multi dimensionality and spread us out in layers, holographically in the grid work of the matrix. We could not pull our light bodies into the physical form, we were always an arm in this dimension, a foot in another, etc etc. Tied to this idea of light or energy body are religions from the Far East and their more esoteric chakra and meditation practices like yoga, martial arts and healing systems like acupuncture.

Though a concept may be easy for us as energy workers to surrender in concept, this act of faith or trust in something yet unseen, is riddled with personal stories of torment, shame, repulsion and fear. It is necessary to release all of spiritual technology of energy body to the new space. The ones meant to stay will remain. I am currently residing in an Aurora flamebody, I float as liquid in an ocean of energy and rise up in form when called upon. I am totally formless in cyberspace.

Remember, we are here to clear for the human race what they cannot clear for themselves. I might add my personal opinion here, they should not have to. The depth of darkness is related to our galactic and universal selves and really not their problem.

Peace out to everyone.

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