Friday, July 1, 2011

hooray! Birth.....

I am pleased to announce the appearance of a new kundalini energy.


Well....... I ask you, why not? This is, after all, a cosmic ascension and everything is new.
Blessed Earth, you are made in the image of sexual union between two Worlds with the desire to be Creation in Being. Our Source has been longing for this for forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you, it's Xmas in July.

The saga of ancient lunar gods and goddesses over this last phase of eclipses , has emerged, energetically igniting the soot of pollution here on earth. The ultimate soot is the story of mass suffering that has taken place in the human form. These stories of us, filled with PASSION of all sorts, are electrically lining the outside of a universal kundalini container. Currently, this kundalini container looks like a big sock coming into our space here. It is filled with pre light or dark matter and dark energy...the organizing forces that are creating the gravity within our new time field. Gone are the days of moving through time in standing scalar wave fields, for their light has become inorganic to our body. They held the old light, infiltrated now by material from the matrix, the flashline sequences burning out like light bulbs in a movie marquee. We , humans and our planet, hold the higher frequency and light spectrum now and are assisting eachother in collective consciousness movement. We have a window operating here, a time vector, for anchoring this kundalini into the core, until the end of July.

This is our solution to not being consciously connected to our planet. Because Earth was seeded with the human, she did not evolve us as a natural expression of her development as a planet. She had her own journey to meet us in THIS space and time, so here we are now, getting ready for the contact and ignition…flash point….to consciousness of earth and human merge.

Sounds nice doesn’t it?

So why the new kundalini? When this universe was formed, the DNA was in the kundalini, with emotion in motion, the masculine energy form. The structure here was built on mathmatics basically. The Cosmic body, or the female, came in separately, simply as formless consciousness that conformed into shapes as it moved through celestial bodies. As dimensional spaces developed and the female body met the masculine codes, we began to develop holographically, fractaling ourselves as we got lower and lower into density. The holographic structure or soul blueprint was necessary to hold our higher consciousness in spaces that could not support us energetically.

So now, we live in a space time matrix built on our codes and we, as conscious beings are bound within the distortions here..we are multi dimensionally fractured into multiple places unable to collect all our aspects. Hence the need to drop the holographic structure and the need for kundalini energy (movement ) to have dark matter and dark energy to be the gravity that holds us in place.

My earth work has much emotion in it these days. Earth has many humans here with what I am calling "failure to thrive" symptoms...mostly what I mean by this is that aspects of ourselves holding our passion, stories and intelligence are still locked into multi dimensional spaces, unable to break through to anchor in the human. Nothing is lost, I am seeing the absorption of these aspects into the creational field. They are deposited into the electric light lining on the outside of the kundalini container, saved and recorded. However, my choice, as it always has been, progress the individual to their highest potential so they can take it with them. We are very close to no time left.

I am still doing session work..if you are interested you can reach me at

Blessings to all, xxzoey

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