Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011 written of in the bible. You remember , it starts out something like this:

In the beginning was the word.

I stand before this statement now, as a child of earth, remembering this time when all was word, as though it was a starry sky passed over the night before.

It was a dark and stormy night. The godhead was severed from it's body and chaos was all around us.

Breath deeply my friends, we have nothing left to do. The time of creator god is come to conclusion, not as an over ride or revision. G O D is pouring into our space as Governing Operating Deliverer. It is a pure creation system of totality, seeking chaos and bringing Divine right order. Period.

My role here on Earth was to be the template, in holographic form, of the entire cosmic body. Though an awesome job, it has been a non stop, roller coaster ride since the winter of 2005. It literally "took me out", off the grid, into a nomadic lifestyle, living on donations and shoved the lack of identity in my face. Through this experience, I have come to know the story of humanity believing it is only the creation, disconnected from it's home planet earth and unaware that it was meant to be the only being of creator. Hu Man Being or Harmonic Universal Man in Being............... word made manifest within a state of Being. We are a race now.... IN Being, a place of expression, rather than separate from the Being known before as the identity of creator, god. There is no more becoming.

Recent cosmological events have manifested themselves in our solar system. The square of Venus and Pluto a few days ago produced a orgasm, that produced a white hole formation. A white hole uses spent chi and matter, purified into primal substance from black hole actions and spins it into threads of gold. This is what the space of Now is made of.

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