Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 9, 2010

It's felt like a cap on information has been in place for many weeks. The fall equinox began a series of many wonderful events and the "hurry up and wait"phase was in full swing. Life appeared normal, with a strange void...where was of that sense of waiting in the trenches? Then last week cast a spell of silence over many of us. Frankly, my internal processes; mentally, emotionally and energetically, were so extreme, that I didn't want to share them with anyone. By Monday, I felt like a woman who had just given birth to a full term baby, not knowing at all that I was pregnant.

Through the month of November, I was in a crisis over what 12 step programs refer to as spiritual principals.....honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, humility, brotherly love, justice, perserverance, spiritual awareness and service. If you've ever seriously worked such a program, these steps start to work you. As days passed by, I could name the step that was presenting itself and there were distinct moments of "God doing for me what I could not do for myself." As much as I love this feeling, the question was unavoidable...Who or What is God? Right about the time of all the hub bub over new airport security measures, I was feeling a daily and very personal shakedown.

I was told that I had created a blockage to seeing clearly and that I had a single string that was woven throughout the many levels and layers of my hologram. It was holding memory from spending eons of time in this distorted Universal system, things I do not want to remember. Just to make it all more complex, I had a contract to hold the emotional body for my Source gestalt, a group of five, with four beings to act as pillars, to make a grouping of nine and two "sleeper" beings that adds up to eleven....the 9-11 codes. Once pure, these codes have been usurped and used for destruction within the matrix. Underneath the memory is pure, untapped rage. Great.

The question of Who or What is God? became an instant luxury and I began a vigorous process of clearing. I held an image of the string in my closed eye vision and attached silver bells to hold the memory, asking for assistance in the removal of it all. Through the act of intention, I began to flow Step Two through the veins of my body ......Came to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.

I watched the process within myself and knew the rage was turning to fire. Massive multi dimensionality set in and I had a difficult time tracking anything. My 3D life became surreal. While traveling over Thanksgiving, on the freeway at 75 miles per hour, our vehicle struck a dog head on. It looked like Victor, our next door neighbor's pet when I was a child. The dog was seen running safely away, no blood to be found on the car. A brown substance moved into my brain and told me to die. Still, I held the single string in my third eye and continued to clear. The fire of rage began to merge with air and water.

Days later, I had awoke to a vision of the sun, as a star in the night sky, circled by more stars. I called it the Star of Bethlehem and it turned into a massive ball of glowing sacred geometry. The multi dimensional experiences began to lessen and I found myself existing in a space that I did not at first recognize. Massive steam had melted away a mold that was around my light body and allowed me into the space of the Rishi, the 15 dimensional, first layer of our time space matrix. There, I saw that the personality I have was designed perfectly and all the flaws that I perceive in myself will melt away when my vision is restored.

What has happened to us all, this crazy past week is a recycling of the matrix. It has not changed, it is in our face projecting an image of itself unto us. We are here, in it and not of it any longer.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Update of 11-13-10

> After a lively conversation with a girlfriend last Thursday, she
> said that she hoped I would write a blog about something I
> had said in regards to Earth. I have the privilege and the
> joy of working on this planet. It requires a tremendous
> amount of magnetic energy to keep me in my body. My hologram
> is expanded out 500 feet beyond my physical form.
> The portal closing that just took place on 10-10-10 has
> my signature.
> In January of 2005, a star gate opened over Lake Superior
> to allow for the entering of my current consciousness. A
> portal was left open from this so I could expand up to
> recreate the cosmos inside my personal template. I
> manifested Aurora on the right side of my body in 2006 and I
> still had fifteen months to find out about ascension.My only
> tools were to stay out of fear and a home brew style of
> shamanism.
> I expanded rapidly after being introduced energetically to
> the Guardians. Our relationship began in spring of 2007
> and they were my assistance in many ways. In Tucson,
> Arizona, during September of 2009, I began to search for my
> Source.I had been stranded in the heat, walking Mr Magoo
> style on time lines, flooding in from who knows where. I
> accessed the transduction sequence and began a series of
> walk ins, all my own identities from the local
> Universe....then into the God Worlds to create templates and
> assimilate even more.
> In the spring of this year, I started to meet my collective
> family who are still embodied on the earth. I found them to
> be some of the major players who had become enslaved to the
> grid. I teamed up with another person from my collective to
> rehabilitate their hologram and remove them from their
> enslavement. This earmarked a shift in the way I was
> more rapid expansion into unknown territories,
> I focused on our time space matrix with a vengeance.
> I discovered that the star gate/portal through which I
> entered was being used to access ancient crucifixion
> contracts. These were still being used to cause havoc in the
> lives of humans, awake and not awake. I needed the codes to
> close this leak, realizing quickly that I had given them
> away
> to the Guardians years ago. These are called the Logos
> codes.....gifted to my original gestalt from another
> Source completely...the Dragon worlds. These codes would
> allow humans to expand beyond a 12D avatar blueprint to
> interface directly with the planetary Logos body and their
> own Source systems.
> There was no time to be upset, with myself or anyone
> else. As I claimed my inheritance, expansion of my
> hologram began anew and I now hold what scientists in
> astrophysics refer to as branes.
> The Logos codes are now locked in as a signature seal under
> my command and on 11-11-11, I used them yet again to close a
> puncture on the surface of our cosmos caused by Artificial
> Intelligence aka...the Borg.
> With the meeting of the embodied members of my family, I
> learned of the Earth and her love attachments to the Human
> race. Since summer of this year,I have worked with Her and
> all forms of elemental kingdoms in the first 3 dimensions.
> The Aurora in me is changing particle structure to develop a
> new magnetic field inside the time matrix in the second
> dimension. I observe this as a structure of frequency layers
> starting with a 15 D pink ray as the base. At the top, I
> placed another signature, a color.... midnight, metallic
> blue. This field operates on binary code, changing scalar
> wave flash line sequencing. As the pink and the midnight
> blue drifted into one another, a true violet ray, marbled
> with milky Aurora, gave way to magenta. This has shown up in
> our Milky Way..
> This week, 14D pale yellow was anchored and greens are
> beginning to form.
> We are building a grid within the grid, collaborating
> with the Earth because she wants to experience her
> magnificence through her people, the human race. Normally,
> planets develop the sentient beings walking on their surface
> to the level of the planetary, dimensional intelligence and
> then ascend together. This has not happened here on Earth,
> as we have been radically altered from our original design
> through invasion of controller races and assistance from
> Guardian races to overcome the distortions.
> We are the saving grace of our Universal system...ascending
> the entire cosmos and restoring sanity to our relations
> throughout all time and space. Lately, life in 3D is pretty
> unmanageable. We are holding multiple aspects of ourselves
> and experiencing massive clearing to our personality
> programing. I urge you to anchor yourself into this new
> space and experience the flow of absolute intelligence, the
> Spiritual principals of Love, as God and Earth would have it
> be.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We had a full moon Doozey!

I remember the solar plane events in times past, for the last two years anyway. They came in a trinity, once every 30 days for three months.. We had time to integrate, align and level the 7 dimensional (planetary) orbits into our body's hologram. Then we had to wait for the next cycle of 3. Now, it seems that the events are overlapping each other and life is crazy busy. Time is definitely speeding up and,

oh please! November 3rd is just around the bend and the beginning of a new day of the Mayan calender.

If you don't get a handle on what is happening now, you might get jostled more than we just did.

Let's recap: the Equinox of September, brought the parallel earth clearing of distorted future potentials. The 10-10-10 alignment in October closed a doorway to old contracts being used to trip us up in the matrix. During the last full moon, a structure was anchored in the earth core that is wrapping up old earth karma and agreements. Our relationships to everyone and everything are ending or changing for the better. These present themselves with an "in our face" attitude, the stress levels go beyond the imagination.

How is this happening? There is a new grid operating within the matrix, but not of it. It has codes aligned to a binary system, signaling union of masculine and feminine energies. More is to be revealed however, I am seeing and feeling a second magnetic force coming from a stellar body that appears to be a planet. Ascended planets are stars.

Could this be our new destination? We are the heart chakra of this Universal system. What we can align to has cosmic potential. The beginning of day dreaming is at hand. Look at the present moment as a sort of scavenger hunt. The clues are sitting on your nose, so sniff out that package. I know what is waiting there for you.......a new hologram, new Source technology and a new identity.

Center into your physical heart, connect into the earth and be greeted by the elementals. Open your feet and hands.

Celebrate the Hallow Eve upon us and rip off your masks for the very last time. Say it is so and then active Faith in the God that you are.

R.I.P. zoey

Friday, October 15, 2010


I hope this finds you happy and well. It's been quite an eventful time and I'd like to share what has happened for us. The equinox brought us direct with parallel earth, where our future realities are stored. An opening was created to hold this space more accessible. The 10th of October activated those who are able to hold a perfected solar plane to realign to the 1987 Harmonic Convergence and to their highest potential yet.

Humans are born with a blueprint designed to be creators, thus the statement "we create our own reality" has much to do with the fact that our thoughts produce holographic threads. These are then electrically charged and logged into the grid network of the time matrix. Because there are mechanisms placed in the grids that are designed to suck these threads into parallel earth for the purposes of attaching them to timelines of chaos, wiping the slate clean of all the potentials we had created since 1987 brought us to the present day......and a higher future purpose.

10-10-10 was also the closing of an important doorway, one that allowed Source/Logos intelligence to enter our solar plane since January of 2005. Ancient crucifixion contracts were still being accessed through this portal and used to thwart those with Krist code, making it difficult for us to exist in our density.

Unbelievable as it seems, now this makes it possible to heal a timeline as opposed to just collapsing it. I was able to access centuries worth of people who were used to activate the second world war and release the monadic, family lineages....a monad is the ancestry we begin to expand into once we have reached 8th dimensional or galactic status.

Source codes are massively gathering in us, initiate yourself into a walk-in of a higher self. Many are now moving into position and claiming power as a new Ancient of Days (see the first blog) The last time this happened, we created a magnetic field that has settled into the astral plane. So far, what I have observed is that masculine energy is holding the rod firmly at the level of the heart. This is causing many of us, male and female, to feel itchy, buzzy under the skin and rapid onsets of extreme cold and heat are common. Psychologically, one can feel stretched beyond previous limits. The antidote a gatherer of strings that are infinite, you cannot break. These strings are attaching at dimension 2 and can cause aching in the pelvic floor.

Open your feet chakras, connect into the earth and the elemental kingdom. Everything you need to develop spiritually is available to you now. Until the next, be well!

I am available for session work and am charging a $50 rate for first time clients. Contact me at

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I went camping this weekend and just before I left, I got a call from a friend. As we were talking, we entered the same energetic space and began an upload of information. This is a common occurrence for us. The sensations we were feeling were the same, however, this time, our bodies were responding quite differently. When it was obvious that we might wait a long time for the stabilized field to return, we hung up, agreeing to compare notes in a few days.

Once I was in the woods, I began to experience shift in the body's response to magnetic flow. Instead of the constant "push/ pull" sensation there was a flow, like a river, complete with an under currant. I could feel the little vortex spinning and most importantly here was a knowing that at any moment, I could be in a completely new motion, creating concentric circles, the kind that form when a rock gets tossed into a lake. I was the energy of water.

Then came the "ah ha" moment. Days before, I had felt spikes of anxiousness well up out of no where, last for 30 minutes or less and simply disappear. What I understand now is that my body was in sinc with this shift days before the phone call, but the brain was not. Pressure was produced in the body due to a blockage of information to the brain and the inability to relate to anything appearing "not human" produced an emotion of anxiety.

My conversations around the campfire were all about the brain. Theories flying every which way, it was great fun. Today,I checked in with my friend, she had been working on the brain all weekend.

I have so much information to share. Subscribe to my blog so you don't miss anything.


Friday, September 3, 2010

It's all about nature...I'm in it all the time. Even though my life is incredibly busy, the earth is getting a big part of me. My past two years have been completely as a nomad, basically living on donations. I came to Minnesota to visit my family a few weeks ago and decided to stay. My nomad phase is in "hunker down" mode in a place of my's a first and begs the question....... What in the world is going on?????

I have observed a huge magnetic movement afoot, my body is responding to this and telling me that it's springtime on the approach, not fall. I plan for the winter months ahead, knowing that underneath the warm garb, I am in a breakaway formation of trinity, body, mind and heart.

Something I observed within my own hologram, about a year ago, is coming into helps to understand the magnetic movements of today. I use to be laughingly received by my friends when I said "I am the center of my own Universe", however, I saw it as a pattern, not anything to attach to ego at all. The very observation of this pattern began moving me away from ego, forcing me to acknowledge Creator consciousness establishing within my body.

Imagine yourself standing in the center of a circular line. On this line, place a few significant and personal events, geographical locations and people. Create another line and repeat the process until you have a platform of concentric circles all around you. This is a formation which can explain our role as The Ancient of Days, a magnetic position that we hold for what we placed within our hologram....our personal Universe.

Everyone in these circles is held in place by magnetics, subject to the astrological position you are holding from your birth imprint. Simply stated, you are ruler of this House. Recognize the people in your circle as the center of their own Universe, see yourself in their House too. Easily, you can see that they are holding some of the same people. What is happening within our time matrix, is the movement of circles (Houses)from one Ancient of Days to another, bringing humanity into new celestial imprints that are similar to astrological configuration.

With this shifting, identities can take on new archetypal patterns. Those of us who are aware of our multi dimensional selves are beginning to feel our personality taking on new aspects of self.We are moving within each these Houses to find a fit. It is very liberating. It is a sense of gathering of the family gestalt and with it comes a connection to our planet and nature as a part of this family.

As I watch the 3D representation of this on the surface of earth, it can affect chaos and it is observable in day to day life. The unawakened who are sensitive to the shift of archetypal personality patterning are going to crack first and are doing it now. I am hearing of many instances where friends who have been around for years are suddenly acting out, behaving bi polar, even suicidal. Ties and connections are severing for us....these beings are falling off our circles, headed to a completely new space unknown by you. Send them off with a gracious goodbye, honoring the potential they have now, to find their true position and connection in the Universe.

Those sensitives who are staying in our House, with whom we have contracts and agreements, are bringing attention to themselves in the form of addiction, breakdowns and illness, to shift the dynamic of their relationships, mostly within family structure.

This is a huge magnetic movement and it's never been this way before. Circles and circles and more circles, everyone moving from "stuck"
to another celestial position for a potential of release into a healthier personality. Do you see how this makes Us, the Ancients, no longer subject to the external manifest Universe?

For me, it's evidence that we have taken a neutral stance within our time matrix, moving free of distortions to get our final missions underway and bring Source into completion here. The choice is ours to make, is it going to be a joy ride? Yes, if you choose it to be so.

I had a dream recently, there were miniature cats on my kitchen counter. Suddenly, they moved and were hanging from the mug rack, looking quite happy there. Detach from what your future reality will look like, forget the past holdings and meanings of everything. Open the chakra's in your feet and connect to nature. It's an unfolding of the sentient human coming into communication with it's planet for the first time.

Everything we have been doing, all the clearings and gatherings of intelligence, codes and frequencies are anchored and available from within the planet and our family of elementals.

This is the first blog in the Cosmic Kitchen, I am so glad this event has arrived. I am available for private sessions by phone. Your comments and questions are welcome to me.
