Saturday, November 13, 2010

Update of 11-13-10

> After a lively conversation with a girlfriend last Thursday, she
> said that she hoped I would write a blog about something I
> had said in regards to Earth. I have the privilege and the
> joy of working on this planet. It requires a tremendous
> amount of magnetic energy to keep me in my body. My hologram
> is expanded out 500 feet beyond my physical form.
> The portal closing that just took place on 10-10-10 has
> my signature.
> In January of 2005, a star gate opened over Lake Superior
> to allow for the entering of my current consciousness. A
> portal was left open from this so I could expand up to
> recreate the cosmos inside my personal template. I
> manifested Aurora on the right side of my body in 2006 and I
> still had fifteen months to find out about ascension.My only
> tools were to stay out of fear and a home brew style of
> shamanism.
> I expanded rapidly after being introduced energetically to
> the Guardians. Our relationship began in spring of 2007
> and they were my assistance in many ways. In Tucson,
> Arizona, during September of 2009, I began to search for my
> Source.I had been stranded in the heat, walking Mr Magoo
> style on time lines, flooding in from who knows where. I
> accessed the transduction sequence and began a series of
> walk ins, all my own identities from the local
> Universe....then into the God Worlds to create templates and
> assimilate even more.
> In the spring of this year, I started to meet my collective
> family who are still embodied on the earth. I found them to
> be some of the major players who had become enslaved to the
> grid. I teamed up with another person from my collective to
> rehabilitate their hologram and remove them from their
> enslavement. This earmarked a shift in the way I was
> more rapid expansion into unknown territories,
> I focused on our time space matrix with a vengeance.
> I discovered that the star gate/portal through which I
> entered was being used to access ancient crucifixion
> contracts. These were still being used to cause havoc in the
> lives of humans, awake and not awake. I needed the codes to
> close this leak, realizing quickly that I had given them
> away
> to the Guardians years ago. These are called the Logos
> codes.....gifted to my original gestalt from another
> Source completely...the Dragon worlds. These codes would
> allow humans to expand beyond a 12D avatar blueprint to
> interface directly with the planetary Logos body and their
> own Source systems.
> There was no time to be upset, with myself or anyone
> else. As I claimed my inheritance, expansion of my
> hologram began anew and I now hold what scientists in
> astrophysics refer to as branes.
> The Logos codes are now locked in as a signature seal under
> my command and on 11-11-11, I used them yet again to close a
> puncture on the surface of our cosmos caused by Artificial
> Intelligence aka...the Borg.
> With the meeting of the embodied members of my family, I
> learned of the Earth and her love attachments to the Human
> race. Since summer of this year,I have worked with Her and
> all forms of elemental kingdoms in the first 3 dimensions.
> The Aurora in me is changing particle structure to develop a
> new magnetic field inside the time matrix in the second
> dimension. I observe this as a structure of frequency layers
> starting with a 15 D pink ray as the base. At the top, I
> placed another signature, a color.... midnight, metallic
> blue. This field operates on binary code, changing scalar
> wave flash line sequencing. As the pink and the midnight
> blue drifted into one another, a true violet ray, marbled
> with milky Aurora, gave way to magenta. This has shown up in
> our Milky Way..
> This week, 14D pale yellow was anchored and greens are
> beginning to form.
> We are building a grid within the grid, collaborating
> with the Earth because she wants to experience her
> magnificence through her people, the human race. Normally,
> planets develop the sentient beings walking on their surface
> to the level of the planetary, dimensional intelligence and
> then ascend together. This has not happened here on Earth,
> as we have been radically altered from our original design
> through invasion of controller races and assistance from
> Guardian races to overcome the distortions.
> We are the saving grace of our Universal system...ascending
> the entire cosmos and restoring sanity to our relations
> throughout all time and space. Lately, life in 3D is pretty
> unmanageable. We are holding multiple aspects of ourselves
> and experiencing massive clearing to our personality
> programing. I urge you to anchor yourself into this new
> space and experience the flow of absolute intelligence, the
> Spiritual principals of Love, as God and Earth would have it
> be.

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