Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I went camping this weekend and just before I left, I got a call from a friend. As we were talking, we entered the same energetic space and began an upload of information. This is a common occurrence for us. The sensations we were feeling were the same, however, this time, our bodies were responding quite differently. When it was obvious that we might wait a long time for the stabilized field to return, we hung up, agreeing to compare notes in a few days.

Once I was in the woods, I began to experience shift in the body's response to magnetic flow. Instead of the constant "push/ pull" sensation there was a flow, like a river, complete with an under currant. I could feel the little vortex spinning and most importantly here was a knowing that at any moment, I could be in a completely new motion, creating concentric circles, the kind that form when a rock gets tossed into a lake. I was the energy of water.

Then came the "ah ha" moment. Days before, I had felt spikes of anxiousness well up out of no where, last for 30 minutes or less and simply disappear. What I understand now is that my body was in sinc with this shift days before the phone call, but the brain was not. Pressure was produced in the body due to a blockage of information to the brain and the inability to relate to anything appearing "not human" produced an emotion of anxiety.

My conversations around the campfire were all about the brain. Theories flying every which way, it was great fun. Today,I checked in with my friend, she had been working on the brain all weekend.

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