Friday, September 3, 2010

It's all about nature...I'm in it all the time. Even though my life is incredibly busy, the earth is getting a big part of me. My past two years have been completely as a nomad, basically living on donations. I came to Minnesota to visit my family a few weeks ago and decided to stay. My nomad phase is in "hunker down" mode in a place of my's a first and begs the question....... What in the world is going on?????

I have observed a huge magnetic movement afoot, my body is responding to this and telling me that it's springtime on the approach, not fall. I plan for the winter months ahead, knowing that underneath the warm garb, I am in a breakaway formation of trinity, body, mind and heart.

Something I observed within my own hologram, about a year ago, is coming into helps to understand the magnetic movements of today. I use to be laughingly received by my friends when I said "I am the center of my own Universe", however, I saw it as a pattern, not anything to attach to ego at all. The very observation of this pattern began moving me away from ego, forcing me to acknowledge Creator consciousness establishing within my body.

Imagine yourself standing in the center of a circular line. On this line, place a few significant and personal events, geographical locations and people. Create another line and repeat the process until you have a platform of concentric circles all around you. This is a formation which can explain our role as The Ancient of Days, a magnetic position that we hold for what we placed within our hologram....our personal Universe.

Everyone in these circles is held in place by magnetics, subject to the astrological position you are holding from your birth imprint. Simply stated, you are ruler of this House. Recognize the people in your circle as the center of their own Universe, see yourself in their House too. Easily, you can see that they are holding some of the same people. What is happening within our time matrix, is the movement of circles (Houses)from one Ancient of Days to another, bringing humanity into new celestial imprints that are similar to astrological configuration.

With this shifting, identities can take on new archetypal patterns. Those of us who are aware of our multi dimensional selves are beginning to feel our personality taking on new aspects of self.We are moving within each these Houses to find a fit. It is very liberating. It is a sense of gathering of the family gestalt and with it comes a connection to our planet and nature as a part of this family.

As I watch the 3D representation of this on the surface of earth, it can affect chaos and it is observable in day to day life. The unawakened who are sensitive to the shift of archetypal personality patterning are going to crack first and are doing it now. I am hearing of many instances where friends who have been around for years are suddenly acting out, behaving bi polar, even suicidal. Ties and connections are severing for us....these beings are falling off our circles, headed to a completely new space unknown by you. Send them off with a gracious goodbye, honoring the potential they have now, to find their true position and connection in the Universe.

Those sensitives who are staying in our House, with whom we have contracts and agreements, are bringing attention to themselves in the form of addiction, breakdowns and illness, to shift the dynamic of their relationships, mostly within family structure.

This is a huge magnetic movement and it's never been this way before. Circles and circles and more circles, everyone moving from "stuck"
to another celestial position for a potential of release into a healthier personality. Do you see how this makes Us, the Ancients, no longer subject to the external manifest Universe?

For me, it's evidence that we have taken a neutral stance within our time matrix, moving free of distortions to get our final missions underway and bring Source into completion here. The choice is ours to make, is it going to be a joy ride? Yes, if you choose it to be so.

I had a dream recently, there were miniature cats on my kitchen counter. Suddenly, they moved and were hanging from the mug rack, looking quite happy there. Detach from what your future reality will look like, forget the past holdings and meanings of everything. Open the chakra's in your feet and connect to nature. It's an unfolding of the sentient human coming into communication with it's planet for the first time.

Everything we have been doing, all the clearings and gatherings of intelligence, codes and frequencies are anchored and available from within the planet and our family of elementals.

This is the first blog in the Cosmic Kitchen, I am so glad this event has arrived. I am available for private sessions by phone. Your comments and questions are welcome to me.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Dear Divine Mother and Mentor,

    I feel Grateful to have birthed this co-centric circle of the unified unconditionally loving template of Cosmic awareness and Wisdom with you. One of many ;)

    Time has come for you to step forth and shine the light you hold and Bless MANY with your Presence.

    From Here Now, thru Eternity Friend.

    Best success to you and all you work with!


  3. Dear Zoe,
    Brilliant that you have taken the step to share the 'Wisdom' of your experience. So resonate with the concept of concenTRIc circle/s = Creation - magnitising/anchoring 'Source'/(aspects of self) in greater and greater increments - thus experiencing/creating within our own unique 'Circle/Universe' with the 'gift' of 'neutral'(peace) becoming more evident!
    Thankyou for being there for me at various stages of my journey - (It had to be you!)
    All my Love Ariane xxx
