Friday, October 15, 2010


I hope this finds you happy and well. It's been quite an eventful time and I'd like to share what has happened for us. The equinox brought us direct with parallel earth, where our future realities are stored. An opening was created to hold this space more accessible. The 10th of October activated those who are able to hold a perfected solar plane to realign to the 1987 Harmonic Convergence and to their highest potential yet.

Humans are born with a blueprint designed to be creators, thus the statement "we create our own reality" has much to do with the fact that our thoughts produce holographic threads. These are then electrically charged and logged into the grid network of the time matrix. Because there are mechanisms placed in the grids that are designed to suck these threads into parallel earth for the purposes of attaching them to timelines of chaos, wiping the slate clean of all the potentials we had created since 1987 brought us to the present day......and a higher future purpose.

10-10-10 was also the closing of an important doorway, one that allowed Source/Logos intelligence to enter our solar plane since January of 2005. Ancient crucifixion contracts were still being accessed through this portal and used to thwart those with Krist code, making it difficult for us to exist in our density.

Unbelievable as it seems, now this makes it possible to heal a timeline as opposed to just collapsing it. I was able to access centuries worth of people who were used to activate the second world war and release the monadic, family lineages....a monad is the ancestry we begin to expand into once we have reached 8th dimensional or galactic status.

Source codes are massively gathering in us, initiate yourself into a walk-in of a higher self. Many are now moving into position and claiming power as a new Ancient of Days (see the first blog) The last time this happened, we created a magnetic field that has settled into the astral plane. So far, what I have observed is that masculine energy is holding the rod firmly at the level of the heart. This is causing many of us, male and female, to feel itchy, buzzy under the skin and rapid onsets of extreme cold and heat are common. Psychologically, one can feel stretched beyond previous limits. The antidote a gatherer of strings that are infinite, you cannot break. These strings are attaching at dimension 2 and can cause aching in the pelvic floor.

Open your feet chakras, connect into the earth and the elemental kingdom. Everything you need to develop spiritually is available to you now. Until the next, be well!

I am available for session work and am charging a $50 rate for first time clients. Contact me at

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