Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We had a full moon Doozey!

I remember the solar plane events in times past, for the last two years anyway. They came in a trinity, once every 30 days for three months.. We had time to integrate, align and level the 7 dimensional (planetary) orbits into our body's hologram. Then we had to wait for the next cycle of 3. Now, it seems that the events are overlapping each other and life is crazy busy. Time is definitely speeding up and,

oh please! November 3rd is just around the bend and the beginning of a new day of the Mayan calender.

If you don't get a handle on what is happening now, you might get jostled more than we just did.

Let's recap: the Equinox of September, brought the parallel earth clearing of distorted future potentials. The 10-10-10 alignment in October closed a doorway to old contracts being used to trip us up in the matrix. During the last full moon, a structure was anchored in the earth core that is wrapping up old earth karma and agreements. Our relationships to everyone and everything are ending or changing for the better. These present themselves with an "in our face" attitude, the stress levels go beyond the imagination.

How is this happening? There is a new grid operating within the matrix, but not of it. It has codes aligned to a binary system, signaling union of masculine and feminine energies. More is to be revealed however, I am seeing and feeling a second magnetic force coming from a stellar body that appears to be a planet. Ascended planets are stars.

Could this be our new destination? We are the heart chakra of this Universal system. What we can align to has cosmic potential. The beginning of day dreaming is at hand. Look at the present moment as a sort of scavenger hunt. The clues are sitting on your nose, so sniff out that package. I know what is waiting there for you.......a new hologram, new Source technology and a new identity.

Center into your physical heart, connect into the earth and be greeted by the elementals. Open your feet and hands.

Celebrate the Hallow Eve upon us and rip off your masks for the very last time. Say it is so and then active Faith in the God that you are.

R.I.P. zoey

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