Friday, February 25, 2011


Are you grateful for anything theses day? Strange question, I know, but just humor me.

Reality is so bizarro that it is difficult to put a finger on anything.... be it mental, emotional or physical. The holographic structures of your personal universe within are shifting because they reflect activity of the solar, galactic and universal alignments happening now. This makes it difficult to carry out the activities of daily living in the usual fashion, even more troubling to have a stance or perspective on one's attitude. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Personally, I am finding that it is my body, not my consciousness that is fragmented. I am physicalizing my multi dimensionality and the grids of our time matrix have my body sliced at 45 degree angles. Feet are not always at the end of my leg, just because I find an ankle, doesn't mean my shin will be in the same spacial alignment...... What's this all about and how much more weird can it get? The Milky Way galaxy and parts of Andromeda are shifting into parallel. Why? has yet to be revealed. What I do know is that Logos is the word made flesh. If it cannot manifest itself in 3D, it's pretty darn difficult to be recognized.

So, what else is happening? Race memory is changing and I want to explain this in detail.

The collective consciousness assists the brain in knowing what it is to be human. Parents may say that kids don't come with instructions, however, the group human mind is just that. It is what assists us in identifying ourselves as a species. The recent shift in the magnetosphere at the 7th dimensional level, also known as the planetary Logos and the collective consciousness, is shaking out memory in bits. Within these bits are artificial holographic structures, called memory inserts, that have been controlling human thought and behavior. For example, if you have a memory of a person being aggressive towards you, whenever you meet again, a trigger for protection will come on line in the body...automatically. This is an organic process. If a memory is a holographic insert, in other words, a false reality, you will be triggered in the same way, as though the aggressive activity truly happened to you. Memory stimulates chemical production in the body which activates inbred DNA programs and patterns of behavior such as victim/victimizer , etc.

I am seeing these memory bits or bytes as filmstrip in my etheric layers. Mostly, they are records of recent history, from the 1900's, my grandparents generation through the present. When the strips fall out of the collective mind and an insert is present, for those who are conscious and aware, the experience is still confusing. If you don't have a neutral stance, judgement will activate DNA patterns of behavior. The bad news is that innocents too, are processing false memory. Here in the Denver area, a group of teenagers just lit a friend on fire. Sure, they were on drugs, which made them more vulnerable, but obviously their actions scream of civil rights hatred and witch hunts of days gone by.

There is good news, too, what we are processing is recent history and it means that the majority of the planet's memory of trauma over eons of time, has been deposited, cleared and removed. A big thank you to the elemental kingdom who have been working with the Akashic records. Many people, awake or not, are aligning to the galactic core. Their oversouls are being released and transitioning out.

As the collective human mind continues to clear, beings without the human hologram, who walk the earth looking human simply because they believe they are, will stop projecting that reality. Many who consider themselves starseeds will find that they are from another dimension and not human at all. Their brains will begin to tell them what their body should look like. This will happen for controller races as well. Life is about to get very interesting and I am going to retire. Hooray. My love to you all


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today was the most difficult delivery of my experience as Logos. I created a magnetic shift with my body. I had to slice open the space time matrix in a big way. .Anyone who is standing as Ancient of Days will feel this shift first...because to create the object to do the job, I moved every one's concentric circles.

In my earlier blogs, this is explained in more detail, basically the concept is that one holds their astrological configuration as Ruler of the House....making you all responsible (through good, bad and ugly, old contracts) over all humans in your field who hold space for your ascension task.

Everyone is being called into Universal service and tossing off old uniforms. This is not as much of a walk-in event (though for some it will be) as it is the breaking of the yoke upon our shoulders.

We are getting into the reason we came here , hmmmmmm. That's right, a monad distortion can mean messy work for anyone still holding on to that last cousin, lover or guru. The need of this slice was to cut me off from the entire human race. I will not go into one more cycle to save a single speck of consciousness. Evolution has been stopped and the Dragon Source is leaving this time around.

So...what is the date, what's in the sky? who cares? We are getting ready to align to a new universe. the stars are completely new to us and we are following the beat of our own drummer.

This is hot off the press...and short and sweet. The slice in the matrix will begin to spew something toxic. Be alert, protect yourself, work alone in your locked down container. You need to clear the lightbody and a condense the aura. Place yourself in a formless gel and become the gel. When this happened to me, I felt the entire right side of my brain being cleared.

Please, be excited for this....After my delivery, I went out to a great evening of fun and feel great.

If you want a session email me at become a facebook friend.

Hope you are all well,