Friday, May 6, 2011

May 7, 2011

Hi there,

We have just had two major events here on the planet...the wedding in England and the assassination in Pakistan. Both these happenings stirred up the collective emotional body to a very high level and as we process this in our physical body, we are experiencing symptoms of gastro intestional distress. We are organic and nothing digests because we are expressing the preditory nature of our life here in the artificial machine.

Two winters ago, I woke to find the pattern of the United Nations symbol holographically represented around my head. I hesitated in calling it an energetic harness and now I know why. The symbol was a projection of a future process that is "current" now. The new creation space has entered our cosmic egg and is pouring into the center, pushing the old systems off to the sides. The leaves of the symbol represent what is "leaving".... we are experiencing separation of planetary male and female "baggage". Frankly, some of the baggage is consciousness that can't be rehabbed and the rest of it is remnants of holographic, dimensional structures.

I find it quite fascinating as the new creational operating system continues to assist me in shifting my ideas as "concept" and beliefs into release of fear over the unknown , the burden of holding hope of the ascension and builds trust in the intuitive abilities locking into our space here on the planet.

When we, as source, entered this cosmic egg, it looked like the human fertilization process......egg and sperm. It created stargate systems known as the Mother and Father arch. These stargate systems are being compressed to the sides of our universe. They are obsolete. Earth was selected as the place to settle but it was not yet habitable. We spread our body through out the Universe using these stargate pathways and began the development of citizenship in star systems. We became Beings of Light/consciousness as a process of evolution.

A friend of mine states it so well.....

"The sole, singular or total purpose of evolution was to allow
Existence or eternal awareness to create Life in order to enter
life and know itself as Life, not existence.
OR in other words, Life consciously aware of ITself
creating life joyfully and creating joyful life......................"

The breakdown of coherent light generated patterns of chaos that was
re- ordered more and more by creating artificial fields, artificial ordering systems.....................
We have come to the end of evolution......"

We no longer need or want a lightbody, it was only a process that is no longer necessary.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Flavor of the Day

We have been living in this game of the matrix for a long, long time. The collective mind of our race believes that it is real and this has been the problem all along. I can tell you, the stronghold of thought is shifting over to those with the consciousness of awareness. This action is seeping into our daily moments and the result feels surreal.

Memories from my past, snipped into tiny pieces until not much but the sensation of it is left to remember, are tapping on the windows, knocking at the door. It makes for great clarity when faced with thoughts coming through the matrix. Mine, not mine, not mine, not mine, mine. I am safe, I am loved.