Saturday, March 12, 2011


> Several days before the earthquake in Japan, I could feel the
> mounting pressure of the earth in my body. I wanted to be a Jack
> Nicholson impersonator in the movie A Few Good Men, stand up
> and yell out on the streets to no one in particular “You
> can’t handle the truth”. Only the deal in the movie was
> Jack played on the dirty side. We love him and we hate
> his role......what to do? what to do? makes one wack-a do-wack-a-do.
> These are the days when we totally need to look at the "reality" here and take a stand. This is a very difficult thing for the masses and reaching the truth, much
> less acting on it, is a very slippery slope. The Secret
> never gets fulfilled for those who stray from mind control
> programs.
> I write here to say, as an embodied Logoic consciousness,
> we have good news ahead. Bear with me here, I want to
> explain something first. The average human soul blueprint is
> aligning to the galactic core. What that means is that
> galactic level consciousness is flowing into the human
> hologram and the collective human mind. We might think this
> is a good thing. However, ever heard the statement “as
> above, so below”? Think for a moment …if it’s a
> “higher” level of intelligence anchoring into the human,
> why are things looking so bad down here? The galactic
> warfare histories are coming to physicalize here on earth,
> those humans tightly held in mind control are acting out the
> scenes.
> Now, earth’s "ascension" is actually a movement of us into a
> new Universal system. Many people who are aware of their consciousness, those who do yoga and martial arts, etc and anyone who is physically responsive to the planet, are initiating into their blueprint aligned into a different galactic core........they are connecting to
> Universal level of themselves……21, 22 and 23 dimensional
> intelligence fields. These are the layers of Rumi, Ghandi
> and the like…. poets, philosophers and peacemakers. The
> Waiting for Godot play is running, we are Godot. “We” as
> in the collective humans, are about to be given
> choices and we will make the right ones. Peace.